Sunday, March 14, 2010

Little did you know...

E: xamine needs, wants, and problems to see how they can improve the way needs and wants are met and problems overcome.
N: arrow the possible opportunities to one specific "best" opportunity.
T: hink of innovative ideas and narrow them to the "best" idea.
R: esearch the opportunity and idea thoroughly.
E: nlist the best sources of advice and assistance that they can find.
P: lan their ventures and look for possible problems that might arise.
R: ank the risks and the possible rewards.
E: valuate the risks and possible rewards and make their decision to act or not to act.
N: ever hang on to an idea, no matter how much they may love it, if research shows it won't work.
E: mploy the resources necessary for the venture to succeed.
U: nderstand that they will have to work long and hard to make their venture succeed.
R: ealize a sense of accomplishment from their successful ventures and learn from their failures to help them achieve success in the future.
1. The average and median age of company founders when they started their current companies was 40.
2. 95.1 percent of respondents themselves had earned bachelor’s degrees, and 47 percent had more advanced degrees.
3. Less than 1 percent came from extremely rich or extremely poor backgrounds
4. 15.2% of founders had a sibling that previously started a business.
5. 69.9 percent of respondents indicated they were married when they launched their first business. An additional 5.2 percent were divorced, separated, or widowed.
7. The majority of the entrepreneurs in the sample were serial entrepreneurs. The average number of businesses launched by respondents was approximately 2.3.
8. 74.8 percent indicated desire to build wealth as an important motivation in becoming an entrepreneur.
9. Only 4.5 percent said the inability to find traditional employment was an important factor in starting a business.
10. Entrepreneurs are usually better educated than their parents.
11. Entrepreneurship doesn’t always run in the family. More than half (51.9 percent) of respondents were the first in their families to launch a business.
12. The majority of respondents (75.4 percent) had worked as employees at other companies for more than six years before launching their own companies.
13. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad in first class.

14. Every 23 seconds a Tupperware party starts somewhere in the world.

History of
Jeff Bezon coined the term from the earlier name It was the excellent way to present large volume online bookstore. But did he have hidden intentions? It is hard to believe but in the early Internet days, when Yahoo was dominant search engine, results on one page were listed alphabetically. Amazon would always appear above its competition for a specific keywords. This could be a breaking point for Jeff to expand and became what it is today.
What Is Google?
Google, the Internet search company founded in September 1998. by Larry Page & Sergey Brin, got it’s name from the word Googol, which represents number 1 followed with hundred zeros after it.
What Is Yahoo!?
Yahoo the complex internet organism has complicated name. Word “Yahoo” is shortcut for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle”. It was coined by PhD candidates at Stanford University: David Filo and Jerry Yang.
“What is pi?” : Interesting
A mathematician: “pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.”
A computer programmer: “pi is 3.141592653589 in double precision.”
A physicist: “pi is 3.14159 plus or minus 0.000005.”
An engineer: “pi is about 22/7.”
A nutritionist: “Pie is a healthy and delicious dessert!”
“Government in the U.S. today is a senior partner in every business in the country.”
- Norman Cousins
“Tact is the art of convincing people that they know more than you do.”
- Raymond Mortimer
The third time you get bitten by a dog, you can know one thing for sure: it ain’t the fault of the dog.
“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
- Thomas Jefferson
“When you combine ignorance with borrowed money, the consequences can get interesting.”
- Warren Buffet
“I hope we never live to see the day when a thing is as bad as some of our newspapers make it.”
- Will Rogers
“It is much easier to ride a horse in the direction it’s going.”
- Abraham Lincoln
“Never ask the barber if you need a haircut.”
- Warren Buffet
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
- Will Rogers

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